Continued payment of developer
community see limits to what we can achieve. While we can produce its own
vehicles that drive themselves on a highway, we will have difficulty producing
reliable means to work on small roads, especially if bad marking on the road.
Even in the highway environment, though, we have a legal issue, such as who is
responsible if the car crashes? It is clear that developing countries
technology doesn't think she should have and that instead of the driver should
be responsible for anything bad. Responsibility for this matter difficult and
originates with many real-world vision applications. Take another example, if
we were in a medical imaging system for cancer diagnosis, what will happen when
he accidentally not diagnosed?Although this system may be more reliable
than any individual rays, get into a legal mine field. Therefore,
now, is the simplest solution to address non-critical problems or only for
systems development, assistants, rather than the replacement of the current
human experts.
Another problem with dissemination
of computer vision systems. In some countries, install and use video cameras
infringed on our fundamental right to privacy. This varies significantly from
country to country and from company to company, and even from individual to
individual. While most people involved in technology see potential benefits of
camera systems, a lot of people don't trust the nature of digital video cameras
and videos that can be used in. Among other things, they fear (probably
justified) big brother scenario, where constantly monitors the movements and
actions. However, a growing number of cameras very quickly, as there are
cameras in almost every new computer, every new phone, every new games unit,
and so on.
Moving forward, we expect to see
computer vision processing progressively harder problems; problems in more complex
environments with less restrictions. We expect to see the computer start to be
able to recognize more objects of different types and start extracting
descriptions more reliable and powerful in the world. For example,we expect
to see the computer to
Qualified to become an
integral part of the general computer interfaces;
- provide higher levels of security through a biological analysis;
- provide reliable diagnoses of medical conditions from medical images and medical records;
- Qualified vehicles allowed to be driven independently;
- Qualified automatically identifying criminals through forensic analysis of the video.